The Netflix version of the Journey to the West animated movie “Monkey King” released a poster for the film, which is executive produced by Stephen Chow and is scheduled to go live on August 18 this year. Stephen Chow has said, “The Monkey King has been passed down for generations with its unique character and spirit. I’m excited to work with Tony, Peilin and everyone at Netflix to bring this joyful story to audiences around the world!”
The film is directed by Anthony Starkey (“The Boxtrolls,” “The Jungle Revolt”) and produced by Chow Sing Chi and Oriental DreamWorks’ Pei-Ling Chow (“The Snowman Wonderland”) and Kendra Haaland (“Mulan,” “How to Train Your Dragon”), with a script by Ron Friedman and Steve Bencich (“Four-Eyed Heavenly Chicken”). Wancheng Ouyang (The Monkey King), Bo-Wen Yang (Dragon King), Wei-Lun Hsu (Mrs. Kuan), Julie Wong Rappaport (Girl Forest), B.D. Wong (Buddha), and Joe Coe (Benbow) provide the voices.
The plot of the film is inspired by the novel “Journey to the West”, which tells the story of a monkey born from a stone that nurtures the aura of heaven and earth, who learns magic power from a teacher, rebels against the gods, defeats the demons and finally achieves his own success.