Integrate ChatGPT into Chrome

ChatGPT for Google browser plug-in, display ChatGPT answers on the right side of the search engine results page. Support mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Edge and Firefox, and support mainstream search engines such as Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.

ChatGPT for Google plugin
This plugin allows us to see answers from ChatGPT to the questions you enter in the search box on the right sidebar of the page when using a search engine.

Github project address:

Supported search engines: Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Yahoo, Naver, Yandex, Kagi, Searx

Project official website:

Supported browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox

1. First, you need to register ChatGPT. If you haven’t registered yet, you can refer to the “Domestic User Registration ChatGPT Nanny Level Tutorial” written some time ago.

2. Take Chrome browser as an example, go to Chrome Web Store to add the ChatGPT for Google plug-in to the browser.

Chrome web store

3. After the installation is complete, you can click the plug-in icon on the right side of the browser address bar to set the trigger mode of the plug-in. This plugin currently provides three trigger modes as shown in the screenshot:
a. always trigger
b. Triggered when the content in the search box on the search engine website page ends with a question mark
c. Manual trigger

4. After installation, just enter some content on the official website of the search engine, and on the right side of the search result page, you will see a prompt saying that you need to log in to ChatGPT; click the login link to log in. Then fill in your ChatGPT API key in the configuration item

Author: Hans

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